2nd Company

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 Arthur Richard Chamberlin JR

    CADET ARTHUR RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN JR. was a native of Piedmont, California. He was educated at Kings Point in the field of Merchant Marine Deck operations. He served in WW II on the Liberty ship, SS Stephen Hopkins.

    Cadet Chamberlin died heriocly in 1942 on the 27th of September in the South Atlantic aboard the Liberty Ship SS Stephen Hopkins. Two heavily armed German Raiders sank the SS Stephen Hopkins in the Atlantic War Zone. The German vessels were the Stier, disguised as a neutral ship, and her escort the Tannenfels. The Hopkins was ordered to surrender. On refusal the raiders shelled the hopkins.

    In one of the most dramatic acts of heroism that occured during WWII, the out numbered Hopkins fought valiantly against the raiders. The merchant vessel exchanged shot for shot with the enemy, and placed thirty-five shells in the water line of the of one of the raiders. The raider’s crew was forced to abandon its sinking vessel along with the Hopkins. With boilers blown up, engines destroyed, masts shot away, and ablaze stem to stern the Gallant vessel went under carrying 40 of the crew and the 19 survivors were rescued 31 days later after drifting 2,000 miles in a lifeboat towards Brazil.