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PARENT'S PAGE This page is for the parent's and families who currently have a midshipmen (Or 2) at Kings Point. It will be maintained to inform you what each class is doing currently so you can keep tabs your son/daughter. It will be updated regulary so you will always have an idea of the life of a Kings Point Midshipmen. 1st Class Midshipmen (Class of 2000): * Taking command of the Regiment as Midshipmen officers and squad leaders.
2nd Class Midshipmen (Class of 2001): * Some Second Classmen are completing their second portion of Sea Year. * Second Classmen currently at Kings Point are preparing for the second portion of Sea Year.
3rd Class Midshipmen (Class of 2002): * Some Third Classmen are completing their first portion of Sea Year. * Third Classmen currently at Kings Point are preparing for the first portion of Sea Year.
Plebe Candidates (Class of 2003): * Plebe Candidates are growing more anxious as Acceptance Day grows closer and closer. * Adjusting to the life of a Kings Point Midshipmen and working on Recognition steps.